1) Locate the desired icon you want to use as default for your pdf files (I took mine from this website).
2) It is advisable that you generate a svg file using the png icon image found above. You can do this by opening the icon file with Inkscape Vector Graphic Editor.
3) Go to /usr/share/icons/gnome/scalable/mimetypes directory and do a ls -l gnome-mime-application-pdf.svg. In my case, this symbolic link was pointing toward x-office-document.svg, which means that pdf files were using the oo generic icon as default.
4) Create a new symbolic link:
ln -s pdf_icon.svg /usr/share/icons/gnome/scalable/mimetypes/gnome-mime-application-pdf.svg
where pdf_icon.svg is the name of the icon I created in step 2.
5) Go to /usr/share/mime/packages and type (to create a backup just in case):
sudo cp freedesktop.org.xml freedesktop.org.xml_backup
6) Edit the freedesktop.org.xml file (type sudo gedit freedesktop.org.xml)
7) In the entry corresponding to the mime type you want to modify (in this case application/pdf), change the line that says generic-icon name="...." so it looks like generic-icon name="pdf_icon.svg"
8) Save the file.
9) In a terminal, type gconf-editor
10) Go to apps-->nautilus-->preferences. Look for the entry: show_image_thumbnails and change it to never.
11) In the terminal, type run killall nautilus
You should now see all pdf files with your new icon.
thanks a lot , very useful